001. Better Books
I consumed this book in 48 hours and I don’t know that I will ever be the same after reading it. I’ll admit it is one of the first sociology-based books I’ve read in a long time but I am looking forward to getting back into these kinds of reads.
I’m currently making my way through this one. I love everything he writes because his voice is so refreshing and real. There aren’t many male Christian authors I get excited to read but he is definitely on the top of the list.
This was my pool read last year and if you are someone who has an interest in the story behind Columbine then this is a must-read. Top of the list. One of my favorite books for the high caliber of journalism within the pages.
Most of the books I’m continually digging into come from this club. I swear by it. It’s my favorite subscription and you get a free book to start off!
You’ve been sending me dozens of messages about these books… Here ya go!
John Piper attributes much of his knowledge about prayer to this guy so I’ve been digging in deeper.
The Galatians Commentary book I’m in the middle of.
The course I am currently taking on prayer.
003. Better True Crime Podcasts
Okay, okay… I’ve been obsessing a little bit over this podcast as of recently. So much so, I became a patron and started supporting them monthly because the content is JUST THAT GOOD. If you are someone who has a vested interest in true crime then I would suggest this podcast. Particularly these are the episodes I really loved:
This one.
Plus this if you follow the Adnan Syed case.
Yup, this one too.
004. Better Recipes
Just a few favorites from our cooking escapades this last month…
I swear this special sauce is one of the best things I’ve ever tasted.
Major crowd pleaser at any party you’re hosting in the future.
We’ve been cooking a bunch out of this book in particular.
This recipe is easy and it never gets old.
005. Better Words
I collect words. Beautiful words. I email them to myself and I pin them to the wall and I make little shrines to keep them save. Here are some of my favorites from the last month:
This Mother’s Day piece had me weeping.
I really think everyone needs to read this piece every year.
“To not care — to move through the world without stopping to consider how others might judge — was the rarest gift, and Alex shared it with me.”
006. Better Planners
It’s that time of the year when mid-year planners hit the shelves and there are some GOOD ones out there! I am on planner probation (making myself use the planner I bought at the start of this year) but maybe I can live vicariously through you!
You’re obsessed, I’m obsessed.
They seriously make THE BEST planners.
Target is getting fancy and I am here for it!
Two words: planner envy.