I’m a researcher at heart.
Introducing The Better Guide.
This is a monthly guide, a most-random resource list of all things food, drink, faith, fitness— all of it. My intern Jo and I spent hours trying to come up with a name for this monthly guide last January and ultimately landed on “The Better Guide” for one simple reason: who has time for anything less? I’m digging for the better options so you don’t have to.
Better Reads.
- My girl Alli Worthington just released a powerhouse anthem into the world this past week and you’re going to want to read it. I read this book at a time in my life where I felt like most of my steps were coated in a thick layer of fear. It’s faith-filled and I know will rock the lives of many, many women.
- If you are a thriller reader like me (basically give me all the titles with the words “missing girl” in it) then the next read on your list needs to be The Wife Between Us. This thriller will confuse the heck out of you (in such a good way) and keep your suspense levels fueled. Does. Not. Disappoint.
Save Better.
Y’all know me- I am ALL ABOUT the finances. Don’t ask me why because I used to have a strong aversion to money talk but I can’t get enough of it these days.
- I never shut up about this app but that’s because I really, really believe in it. I am not even being dramatic when I tell you: it has changed my life. Qapital is an app that thrives off this idea that we spend the money in our checking account impulsively just because it’s available to us. Qapital helps you save your own money, make goals, and conquer the world. Thanks to this app, Lane and I saved all our pennies for a beautiful anniversary trip and I saved all my Christmas money in July. ***If you want bonus instructions on how to have Qapital save a dollar for you every time Donald Trump tweets then send me an email with the subject line “the man tweets… a lot” and I will help you out.
- Somehow I killed over $50,000 worth of student loan debt in 2016 and then the small adult inside of me said, “It’s time to start saving, baby!” Now I am a loyalist to my Aspiration Summit account. The wait list is worth it. I stole this website because they say it better than I ever could: Aspiration offers socially-conscious and sustainable banking and investing so you can make money while making the world a better place. And, unlike the Big Banks, we don’t use your deposits to fund oil pipelines or turn your fees into campaign contributions to the politicians that work against you. They’re basically a modern-day Robin Hood in the form of a savings account.
Better Subscriptions.
- For all my married people who want to improve their bond while sitting at their desk. Subscribe to the Marriage Minute by the Gottman Institute. I love reading the weekly marriage tip and sending it over to Lane. These are smart and thought-provoking suggestions that really do help your relationship.
- If you are a writer or someone who wants to write better, then definitely sign up for Slant Letter. It’s a monthly email so it won’t clog up your inbox and it’s all about finding your voice and killing your craft. Fun fact: Stephanie (the creator of the email) is my editor. She taught me so much in the editing process just this past year so I definitely believe in her wisdom and words. Get on it.
Better Health.
- I feel like I am really fickle when it comes to my workouts and people ask me all the time: where do you find them? A few months ago, I came across Alexia Clark. My life hasn’t been the same since. I recently subscribed to Alexia Clark’s fitness site ($29 a month) and I do not regret the investment. She sends 5 workouts a week and a mini pep talk the night before every workout. Her workouts are hard, REALLY HARD, and will push you to new levels in your fitness journey. Plus, look at this amazing article about her in Women’s Health (she’s on the cover this month!) about why she doesn’t post bikini photos. Girl freaking power.
- Our crockpot broke this month. It was a devastating blow to my spirit and my faith to see my sweet little basin of joy crack down the center. But friends, God is in the business of upgrading. We caved. We saved our pennies. We bought an Instant Pot. And the rage is real. It’s the most amazing cooking tool I’ve ever possessed. It’s a slow cooker on steroids. This is likely how Jesus actually fed the 5,000. I’m smitten and in love and that’s all.
- I’m doing a Whole30 this month so here are a few of the recipes we currently cannot get enough of:
Better Work.
- My good friend Mattie came out with a little thing called Forth Guide last month and it’s pretty amazing. I would say it’s essential for a freelancer or someone who works for themselves! I wish I had this guide when I was just starting out, floundering around on Google trying to figure out where to find a graphic designer or how to start an email list. Mattie does the digging for you and the results are genius.
- Most of the apps I recommend are free-free-free but this app is worth the $2.99 you’ll pay to get it on your phone. It’s called Forest. It’s a productivity app designed to keep you focused and not grabbing for the phone every five seconds. What’s cooler than that, you plant a metaphorical tree everytime you set the timer on the app. When the timer rings then your “tree” is planted! Metaphorical trees add up to real trees planted in the real world. It’s cool (and environmentally friendly) to be not distracted these days. Mother Nature thanks you.