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Honesty Hour Vol. 1: how do I make my world better?

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First off, oh. my. goodness…

All I have wanted to do in the last two months is get back to blogging. I’ve missed this space!

I tried several times to write something while on my book deadline but my brain just wasn’t having it. I’m learning to give myself grace in the book writing process.

But I’ve officially finished draft 1 of the book and I am so stinking excited to be back here with you. I’ve been brainstorming and coming up with new content and I really cannot wait to grow this blog and strengthen what is already here.

So, in the spirit of that, we are starting a new series! This series is meant to be interactive and a chance for readers like you to connect with one another in the comment section. I find there are a lot of big, scary issues out there (and some light and funny ones, as well) that you guys email me about and ask me to tackle. Truth is, I cannot tackle them alone. I need your help, your experiences, your insight and your advice!

We are officially naming this new series: Honesty Hour.

For those of you who have been around here for a while or a regular reader of the Monday Morning Email, then you know the origins of Honesty Hour. It’s a term I came up with on my first date with Lane. I was sick of playing games. I was sick of all the “light get-to-know-you banter” that happens on a first date. I wanted to get right to the point and figure it out: are we in this or not?

I found myself saying out loud to him throughout the date, “This is an honesty hour.”

“Honesty hour?” he asked me.

“Yes, honesty hour. In honesty hour you get to say whatever you want.”

“Okay,” he answered with a nod. “Honesty hour. Let’s go.”

And so, for the rest of that date, we stayed within honesty hour and it was refreshing and like breath to the parts of me that always feel the need to be polished and insightful. When we said risky things, we could preface with, “After all, this is honesty hour.” And there was no judgment or worry sitting between us. It felt really good. It felt really safe. It felt like we were handing one another permission slips: permission to be in process.

So how does an Honesty Hour like this happen on the blog?

Every other week, we will post a new question/topic. Then it’s your chance to weigh in and give your feedback. Our hope is that we will learn from one another, inspire each other, and push one another to be stronger. I want to talk about all sorts of stuff: life, relationships, food, TV shows, culture, all of it. Sound good? 

So, without further, ado…. let’s have our first Honesty Hour.

Honesty Hour Vol. 1 

How do you make your world a better place?

I had a different topic in mind entirely this afternoon but I’ve been particularly impacted by the Manchester Bombing news. There are no real answers when it comes to a tragedy like this one and it is hard to stay hopeful as you watch the news some nights. Sometimes it feels like this world is so dark and like, no matter what we do, we cannot possibly make a difference. I want to be strong though, strong and hopeful even in the midst of some scary chaos.

So I want to hear from you guys: what do you do to make your world a better place?

Let’s talk concrete actions: do you reach out to friends? Do you write letters? Do you volunteer? If so, where? Do you pray? Do you read certain things? Let’s band together and share our best ideas and resources on how to impact our world in a positive way. 

Also, include your name, age, and where you are writing from! It always helps to know where you are in the world. 

I realize no amount of talking can take the pain out of these tragedies but I also don’t want to be afraid to use our voices when we feel defeated, tired, or fearful.

Meet me in the comments section below.


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I love writing about all things faith, mental health, discipline + and motherhood. Let's be penpals!

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