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Read Me When You Feel Like Your Voice Doesn’t Matter.



I'm a writer, author, and online educator who loves helping others build intentional lives through the power of habit and meaningful routines.







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Years ago, a mentor of mine entrusted me with a piece of advice that has become the centerpiece of my daily work: do for one what you wish you could do for all.

It was at a time in my life when my writing career was gaining momentum, and the idea of growing seemed daunting. I think it’s easy in the digital world to get caught up in the metrics– in views, likes, comments, and follower counts. Things can very quickly become about growing those metrics. And, many times, people are tempted to sideline themselves or discount themselves because of those metrics.

When he said those words to me, it was like a release. For the first time, I felt free to not worry about the metrics. Instead, I could make it about the individuals I encountered. I could focus on the one person I met up with in the coffee shop, the one who showed up in my inbox, or the one who approached me at the speaking engagement. One by one, I found meaning and purpose in being present with the individual before me.

I say all this because I know how easy it is to believe the lie “My voice doesn’t matter.” We think that for our voice to matter, it has to be heard by the masses. Our content has to go viral. Every word we write or speak has to be new, inspiring, and impressive. And here’s the thing: going viral happens. And going viral can be a whirlwind that flips your world upside down. But, more often than not, you grow your voice and reach daily, person by person. It’s a slow haul, but you learn so much along the way. You do for the one what you wish you could do for all.

So answer this: What if your story, spoken out loud, could save someone’s life today? Or give them the courage to take that first step out of that bad relationship? Or empower them to start their health journey? Would you tell your story to me? Would you tell your story to us? Would one person be enough for you?

What if I told you only one person would read that next blog post you wrote? That one person would sit at their computer and scroll through your words, and they would take notes. They would tack some quotes to the wall. They would borrow your strength. They would make a brave decision. What if I told you one person’s life would be changed because of the words you sat down to write? Would one person be enough for you?

You can never begin to know, never mind claim, the impact your creations will have on other people. People rarely comment. People rarely open up about the difference a piece of writing, an output, or a word of encouragement did for their soul. True impact– how you make people think, feel, or encounter the world differently– cannot be measured. It’s a ripple effect you can never entirely claim or take credit for. But it’s happening. So long as you step off the sidelines and speak up, the ripple effect occurs in its timing.

Several months ago, I received an email from one of the Monday Club readers. The woman writing to me was from my hometown. I was one grade below her daughter in school. We’d never met, and I had no idea she was a reader all these years.

She reached out to me because, after over 30 years of fighting aggressive cancer, she was given less than six months to live. What she wanted to do with the time she had left was write some things down for the people she loved. She wanted to use her voice in the places where it mattered the most- to leave a lasting legacy with her closest people.

She and I went back and forth over the next few weeks. I gave her tips for writing. She emailed me a month ago to unsubscribe from the emails officially and say goodbye. She was heading into hospice the next morning. A few days later, she passed away.

While I am so thankful to have been one of the voices that made a difference in her life, I think much more about how her voice made a difference in mine. In our short communications, I was profoundly changed by her presence, her belief in me, and her willingness to use her voice even if it would never reach thousands or millions—even if it was simply reserved for the people who called her mom, grandma, and friend.

And I know if she were here right now, she would say the same thing I’m saying to you: your voice matters. Your stories matter. The life you’ve lived so far matters. The things you’ve walked through matter. The battles you’ve faced matter. And you never know who might need the reminder today that they can keep showing up and fighting forward.

This life is so hard, and I will tell you with great certainty that our world will never stop needing good, kind voices that speak truth, light, and encouragement against the darkness. We need your voice. Now, more than ever, we need stories of overcoming, finding strength, and becoming known by our love. The world is hungry and tired. We’re all looking for more hope.

So, if you are holding yourself back from finding the words, telling your story, or writing it all down because you are afraid that your voice does not matter, please release that fear. Find the courage to speak today. Don’t let the critical words go unsaid.

It only takes one person to find your story and be forever changed. Knowing who, when, or how is not your job or purpose. That’s out of your control. Just go out there and do for the one what you wish you could for all of them. The impact starts there.


Here’s a helpful guide on how to create a newsletter from scratch.


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  1. Thanks. Timely. Encouraging.

    My wife and I often read your post and are so encouraged. Just thought I’d reach back to say … thanks.

Hi, I'm Hannah

I love writing about all things faith, mental health, discipline + and motherhood. Let's be penpals!

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