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The life-giving rhythm of reading the Bible in community.



I'm a writer, author, and online educator who loves helping others build intentional lives through the power of habit and meaningful routines.







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I’ve felt like a wanderer in the Bible for a long time.

I love Scripture, and I love the chance to learn so much from many different books of the Bible, but I would go through periods that felt less meaningful than others. These periods were when I hopped from book to book, not planting down roots in one space.

It wasn’t until January of this year did I realize how much my time simply reading and soaking in Scripture was lacking. I’m so used to studying that I sometimes miss the simplicity of reading a book from start to finish. Just delighting in the Bible.

In January, a group of girlfriends and I— 5 of us— started a small community bible reading plan. We got the framework from my friend Jason Dyba.

We picked a book of the Bible and created a text thread. We committed to reading one chapter 5 days a week. Weekends are off-time or a chance to catch up. After each reading, we write a revelation, question, or thought about the chapter. There’s no pressure to respond to every person’s remarks, but the commentary has led us to explore some pretty deep spaces.

We started with the Epistles in January.

We moved to the book of Mark in February.

We dubbed March as Moses March Madness and began the trek through Exodus.

Friends, I cannot even tell you how this simple rhythm has rooted my soul this year.

I’m quick to think I need to do more than read a chapter a day. Especially when everyone is off the races in January with reading the Bible in a year, I feel this pressure to get the most out of my Bible reading. But slowing down, making it one chapter at a time, has given my soul a pace it didn’t know it needed.

I will tell you this one small habit— a chapter a day in community— has been the foundation for some more minor disciplines that are now a solid part of my morning quiet time:

The chance to sip my coffee slowly.

A moment to trace over my prayer journal and write down new requests and praises.

A daily scribble in my 5-year memory book— recounting the day before.

A simple practice of gratitude.

A space of time to myself before the hustle of the day begins. I can sit quietly and ask God, “What do you need me to do today? Who do you need me to see?”

It’s become the most magical part of my day. It fuels me for the hours ahead.

I’ve grown closer with these women. They’ve become people who pray for me. I think each of us has individually texted the group over the last three months and asked for prayer for something we’re currently going through.

I’ve gotten a peek into the ways these women see Jesus. And it’s stunning because it’s different than how I see Jesus. What sparks one woman’s mind might be the very thing I missed or never thought about.

I’ve inched my way closer to God as he has revealed himself to me.

This past week, we gathered around a table on my back patio. We shared a meal. We learned more about one another, and it was wild to think the Bible was the thing to bring us all to this table.

Beneath the twinkle lights, I realized how much this small rhythm has revitalized something within me that I didn’t even know I was desperate for. After two years of a global pandemic where we got so used to doing our own thing and isolating for safety, I forgot how good it feels to share life with people and take things offline. To sit at the table. To be with one another without a goal, plan, or impressive feat to share. To just share the cup of life and drink it down deep together.

I’m writing all of this because maybe the shift needs to begin with you. Instead of waiting for the invitation to go deeper in Scripture with others, create the invitation. Extend it. It doesn’t have to be a lot of people. Five should be the maximum, so you don’t feel like your phone is buzzing all day.

It can be one other person, two or three. Just reach out to someone and say, “Hey, do you want to do some Bible reading with me?”

Pick a book of the Bible you want to dive deeper into. Make a quick plan. And begin.

Sometimes the most straightforward steps yield the most fruit. I’m praying that you would feel the richness of the Bible in community with others. That you would strengthen and encourage one another. That you would grow closer to God as you read His word and learn his heart— chapter by chapter, text by text, morning by morning.

I’d love to hear from you:

In moving my blog to a newer platform, I sadly had to let go of the thousands of comments and conversations that came from readers over the last 10+ years. This grieves me deeply but I know there will new conversations, fresh words of wisdom, and opportunities to create close community once again. I’d love to hear from you in the comments section. I’ll be reading + replying on a regular basis.


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  1. Laura says:

    Love this!!! Was just reflecting recently how much I missed the SOAP journey I was on with a friend awhile back and how I wanted to get something fresh going as I’ve been having a hard time diving into scriptures alone recently.

  2. Anne says:

    I love this idea! A friend and I have been getting together for Bible study (going through your 15-week one!). It’s been life-giving. I’d love to also get into a daily rhythm of reading the Bible with a small community.

  3. Nicola Smith says:

    This has come at a very relevant time as I reached out to a friend to commit to being prayers partners, just yesterday. I’m excited at the prospect of including sharing scripture into this weekly time.

    Bless you for your constant encouragement & tangible tools to create healthy habits & routines. You inspire me to put roots down deep & to show up, no matter what.

    It’s been an immensely dry season in the wilderness. I’ve been unemployed for a full year. However, I do believe God is doing a new thing & if it be only having a friend to pray with weekly & share scripture – what a great blessing indeed.

    Am also finding my rhythm of daily writing for #yearofthebook2022 – the year has passed by ever so quickly, with only 6 months left to get the book written – eeek!

    Love the layout of your blog & the gorgeous pictures – thanks for sharing. You have a gift for hospitality amidst many other talents & gifts

    • Thank you for all these sweet words. And thank you for that note on hospitality- that’s the best compliment I could ever receive!

      Yes, I can’t believe 2022 has gone SO fast! But there is still time to do good work. Sit down and write that book!!

  4. Devin says:

    This is a wonderful idea! I just finished up a short term group at church and the group at my table connected so well together. I’m going to reach out and see if they would like to do something like this so we can continue growing and learning together.

  5. Eby says:

    This is so beautiful. We grow closer to God in community. This is a thought that has been on my mind.

  6. Kimberly says:

    Your emails always come thru at the exact time I need them. I appreciate all you do Hannah. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

  7. Sam says:

    YES! This has been a game changer for me also! It’s a different sense of accountability than doing it on your own. I also can’t believe how much I learn from my gals and how close to each other it makes us feel having this common thread. This post reminds me that even when I don’t feel like adding one more thing to my to-do list – staying connected over God’s word is one of the most important things!

  8. Jamie says:

    I love this so much. Do you have any suggestions for people who don’t have anyone in their lives to do this with? I long to have friendships like this but I don’t know anyone who openly discusses their faith.

    • I might just put it out there on FB or a story! You don’t have to be close to someone to start and you might be surprised with who is interested in leaning in with you!!

  9. Caroline says:

    Absolutely love this. Looks like such a sweet time on the patio.

  10. Ariana says:

    I cannot tell you how timely this post is for me. Seems like every single one of your Monday emails and blog posts is a tiny answered heart prayer I hadn’t even realized I needed. Thank you for your encouragement to forge ahead in a new path for community, Hannah! Your words bless me more than you know.

  11. Tobechukwu Udeigbo says:

    This is the reason I enjoy the First 5 app…because I am doing my bible devotional with a community of believers. Makes absolute sense now. Amazing!!!! Thanks Hannah.

  12. natalyn says:

    thank you for this reminder. reading from Hong Kong x

  13. Lisa Rasmussen says:

    Your timing….God’s timing. I’ve grown during Lent at your suggestion of 40 Days of Decrease and I’m continuing on my growth journey with this as my food for thought/ God nudge for today. ❤️

Hi, I'm Hannah

I love writing about all things faith, mental health, discipline + and motherhood. Let's be penpals!

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