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How to Start Tracking Your Wins.



I'm a writer, author, and online educator who loves helping others build intentional lives through the power of habit and meaningful routines.







Start Tracking Your Habits Today

Download my free Habit Tracker!


Start Powering Down Intentionally.

Download my free Unplugging Tracker!

pst… I’ve included a free tracker at the bottom of this blog so make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom 😉

My new course Your Routine Overhaul is all about building discipline, habits, and routines that fuel you. This isn’t a course about quick fixes or how to master your New Year’s Resolutions (which don’t work for 80% of the population). This is a chance to finally build lasting discipline and habits that help you show up in the areas of your life that matter most to you.

One of the concepts I introduce in the course is the idea of “mini wins.” Tracking your mini-wins is a small, healthy habit you can start today.

So often, when we try to change our habits, we do an overnight overhaul and wonder why nothing sticks. We fail within the first two days and end up back at the starting line feeling defeated and deflated.

The reason why we fail so often? The goals we set are just too big.

So what would happen if we went smaller? What would happen if we picked out “micro-tasks” that mattered to us, and to the person we’re becoming?

Repeat after me: small is the new big. All good things start off small.

At the start of 2022, I set a goal for myself of 15 minutes of strength training multiple times a week. It seemed like too small of a goal but it also felt easy to accomplish so I stuck with it. Ten months later, I’m doing 45-minute workouts almost 5 days a week. I don’t think I’d be in this space if I hadn’t given myself permission to start small and build up.

So what’s one micro-task you could commit to that would look like moving forward in an area that matters to you?

Micro Tasks might look like this:

  • Health: Pinning healthy recipes for 10 minutes or adding a veggie into one of your daily meals.

  • Fitness: Going for a walk around the block or doing a 10-minute workout.

  • Relationships: Sending an encouraging text to someone you love.

  • Cleanliness + Organization: Making your bed in the morning or spending 10 minutes tidying up.

  • Faith: Reading a chapter a day in the Bible or even just opening up the Bible app on your phone to read the verse of the day.

These tasks seem small but they stack up. Author John C. Maxwell once said, “Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.”

I created a tracker for you to start tracking your mini-wins (scroll down to download it). I’ve also included a sample sheet so you can see how to use the sheet:

  • Write down 3-5 micro tasks (think of tasks that won’t take you more than 5 or 10 minutes) that would feel like forward-moving progress to you.

  • Keep this sheet on your desk or somewhere you know you’ll see it.

  • Every time you complete a micro task, fill in the bubble with the task number you completed.

  • When you fill all the bubbles, you’ll be able to look back and analyze which small tasks were the easiest to complete and which tasks need more of your attention moving forward.

Even before the course is released, I want you to experience some victory! The more wins you experience (no matter how mini), the more motivated you will be to keep going and eventually try out bigger tasks.

Don’t discount the small wins– these mini-wins are a critical stepping stone in your growth and they’re the foundation for the disciplines you will build over time.

I can’t wait to see you start tracking your wins!



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  1. Melanie says:

    Love this! I need all the small wins I can get recently. And ai love the idea of being able to see it visually. ❤️

  2. Nancy says:

    I maybe just not looking in the right place but can’t find the download to track my wins???

    • Elizabeth says:

      I think you get access to it if you type your name and email address in the box titled "Track your mini wins."

  3. Christian David says:

    Loved it, idea of the micro tasks is amazing, God Bless

Hi, I'm Hannah

I love writing about all things faith, mental health, discipline + and motherhood. Let's be penpals!

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