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My Goals, Hopes + Rhythms for September.



I'm a writer, author, and online educator who loves helping others build intentional lives through the power of habit and meaningful routines.







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I get questions all the time about establishing discipline, routines, and habits. I figured the best way to break down how I navigate achieving goals and making my rhythms a priority is to just show you.

I’ve never done this before and so I’m a little nervous. I’d love to read in the comments if you like this kind of content and if it is helpful! It feels vulnerable to post my hopes for the month of September knowing I could fail all of these things and live to report back to you. But maybe it will be a sweet form of accountability and you and I will learn some valuable things across the next month.

My goal is to post here at the start of the month, add to the post at the halfway mark with a little update, and then finish at the end of the month with a recap of how it all went down. 

I’ve got questions in the past about how I use my PowerSheets when it comes to mapping my week. Well, the PowerSheets actually take the guesswork out of my map for the week. When I sit down on Fridays to map my week, I pull out my PowerSheets and use them to inform what I want to accomplish in the week ahead. It’s a great resource for that because sometimes I can come into my week mapping feeling a little aimless. By having my PowerSheets beside me, I can remind myself I am making progress toward goals that matter to me– goals I set out at the start of the month.

Monthly Action Items:

Prep for Advent Season: This is the number one priority. I always find myself scrambling through the Advent season and never getting to savor it. Advent is the biggest campaign of the year for me and I LOVE it. This year, my goal is to do every bit of prep- writing, uploading, scheduling, strategizing, etc- in the month of September. 

Enjoy and be present at Retreat: I have an upcoming retreat in Utah for a company I’m helping to build. I typically am a homebody and loathe the part where I have to leave my family and get on an airplane but I’m really excited for this one. My goal is to savor and enjoy this time away and really be present with the people around me. When I arrive at the airport after the retreat, I’ll meet up with my mom who is also flying into Atlanta at the same time so I am really, really looking forward to that! 

Fully immerse myself in the Gospel Challenge: I run the Gospel Reading Challenge every year. I think this is the 5th or 6th year? Whichever, it becomes easy to be detached from the thing you’re leading or just go through the motions when you’re busy cultivating an experience for everyone else. This year, my goal is to be just as saturated in the Gospel Reading Challenge as other participants. I want to walk out of September feeling refreshed and like my faith got a much-needed reset. Bring it on!

Reread 12 Week Year: This is a book I read when I was pregnant with Novi. The only reason I remember that is because I was reading it on the day I took my glucose test. I don’t feel like I really got the chance to soak up and savor the wisdom in this book and I would really love to craft a 12-Week Year Plan for the final quarter in 2022! In order to make this goal a reality, I have to sit down each day and read _____ pages. 

Weekly Action Items:

Practice Sabbath: Sabbath in our household takes place from Friday at sundown to Saturday at sundown. It’s a 24-hour period without social media, work, or labor. I do find myself cleaning parts of the house on Sabbath but that doesn’t feel like labor to me- it’s a refreshing time I look forward to. For sabbath, we focus on family dinners, time spent with friends, reading books, going on excursions, or just taking it slow. I’ll be honest- I’ve worked the last two Saturdays and though it felt necessary it is not a rhythm I want to continue so I am going to put myself to the test this upcoming month and really observe Sabbath.

Publish a new, fun blog: Consider this my first one! I was talking with my intern Grace Anne the other day about how I want to do more “fun” posts on the blog. I love some serious, heartfelt writing but I also want to talk about things that don’t require a ton of mental energy. Especially as I attempt to push into book writing, I need to save some of those brain cells. You can expect a guide to going gluten-free, a post on hygge, and some other fun blogs in the month ahead!

New veggie each week: It’s still the year of the vegetables!! I know I haven’t written much of an update but I am getting back to it. For the month of September, our goal is to try one new veggie every week. Meaning: a veggie we’ve never tried before or one that is not common in our monthly rotations. This gives me an excuse to visit the local farmer’s markets around Atlanta and get a little daring with the dishes for September.

Intentional Thursdays with Novi: Thursday is my day with Novi. Apart from one standing meeting on the calendar and her naptime, I committed to not working on Thursdays so I could be present with her throughout the day. This path month, I realized I was adding so much extra stress and pressure to my life by trying to do the impossible: working like usual on days with no childcare. It left me stressed. It left her emotional. All around- not the best situation for us. In September, I am scaling back, powering down the phone, and planning some intentional Thursdays for us to have together.

Complete the Sparta workout once a week: Ugh. I already hate this goal. But sometimes you have to challenge yourself with goals you hate because you know you’ll love the eventual progress. In college, I used to do this specific Sparta workout all the time. It’s a mental battle for sure. Since this year is all about mental toughness and mindset change for me, I think I need to bring a little Sparta back into my life. This could easily be the goal I fail first but I’m still placing it here with good intentions and the will to try. 

Daily Action Items // Habits

I feel like it’s important to stress that I don’t use this section for habits I am hoping to forge. I use this section for habits and rhythms I’ve mostly already established for myself. If I want to make something a habit over time, I will add it as a weekly action item first and then push it to daily. 

Deciding you are going to start 5 new daily habits is probably not sustainable. This section is reserved for things I’m already doing consistently that I want to track and take to the next level. Habits I’m already in the groove of doing– like eating whole foods or drinking water– aren’t on this list because I’ve solidified them in my daily life and no longer feel like I need to keep tracking them. 

  1. The Daily Office: This is a new devotional I’m trying out in the month of September and it hinges on meeting God once in the AM and once in the PM. I’ll admit, my brain is typically fried by 6 pm. Once Lane comes home, I’m ready to crawl into bed for a moment and scroll mindlessly. This isn’t that bad of a habit BUT I feel God stretching me to meet with him instead. Do I want to? Not exactly. Just being honest with you. This is a chance to see if I can replace a habit that doesn’t add anything to my life with one that does.

  2. Three Strength Training Workouts per Week: I’m editing this one a bit. Instead of just a “solid workout,” I am swapping it for 3 strength training workouts a week. Lifting weight and getting stronger! Over the last two months of doing Peloton workouts (I seriously LOVE this app), I’ve fallen back in love with strength training. I feel stronger, more confident, and overall happier in my life and I really think it’s from lifting the heavyweights. Doing 3 of these workouts a week is the goal and I can’t wait to dive in Yes- Sparta counts as one of these workouts! YAY!

  3. 500 Words a Day: I owe you a post on how my rhythm of 500 words a day is going but I am really placing the rhythm to the test this month by setting it as a daily habit. Yikes. I do plan to take one a week off though because your girl’s brain needs a little break.

I love hearing from you:

In moving my blog to a newer platform, I sadly had to let go of the thousands of comments and conversations that came from readers over the last 10+ years. This grieves me deeply but I know there will new conversations, fresh words of wisdom, and opportunities to create close community once again. I’d love to hear from you in the comments section. I’ll be reading + replying on a regular basis.


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  1. Hannah says:

    I love this type of content!! Thank you for sharing. I’ve been a powersheets user for several years but kind of fell off the bandwagon in 2022 so I like seeing how other people use them. The new veggie every week goal is such a good idea- attainable and fun.

  2. Laurie says:

    Love this type of light content too!!! As someone who struggled a lot with her relationship to nutrition + exercise as a former athlete, I would say commit to 1 workout a week that YOU enjoy! Pushing ourselves is important, but what’s the point if it isn’t sustainable. Just some food for thought! ♥️

  3. Katie b says:

    Thank you! I am not a planner so I like to see how other people do it. Like thinking about advent now so it is less stressful and more on the moment. I did not do so well at powersheets so you gave me a new perspective and ideas for it. Thanks for your vulnerability and the grace you will give yourself.

  4. Sarah says:

    I love this!!! I am embarking on a new adventure and this is coming at just the right time for me as a reminder to plan and stay focused on my goals. I would love to see more and if you don’t mind I may use something like this in my world. What is the amazing book you are writing in?

  5. Sarah says:

    Would love to hear more about the Sparta workout! What is it?

  6. jill says:

    This blog post is exactly what I needed to read today. I’ve been feeling pretty blah lately, and this was inspiring to read. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Melanie says:

    I love this post because it gives me an idea on how you break things down. I currently have a monthly whiteboard calendar with (almost) all the things that my family needs to be aware of each month (games, practices, trips, logistics, etc) and this gives me things to intentionally think about and hopefully put into practice about getting things that we want to do down on paper or … Somewhere. I love that you want the accountability AND that you’ve already built in grace for the days/times you fall short.

  8. Jesayla Ferrer says:

    I 100% needed this. Discipline is quite honestly what I struggle with most, so this is such a big help! Thank you

  9. shereen says:

    loved this

  10. Trinity says:

    September is my reset month every year. I take the whole month off social media and I do the Gospel Reading Challenge (since 2018). As I do every year, I really need it this year. I’m so happy that you shared your goals. Mine are obviously different but it gives me hope that we can both achieve our own! Have a wonderful day

  11. Victoria says:

    Truly loved this post! Thank you kindly for sharing…. I feel like I’ve taken summer to recalibrate my whole being, so that I can be here, now in the present.. However also needing some rhythms + goals.

    I’m using this 1st weekend in September to set things in motion + plot things out, so this post was JUST the thing I needed.

  12. Carrie says:

    Truly inspiring. I love how you break down your daily, weekly, & monthly goals. Thank you for being vulnerable and for sharing!

  13. Stef says:

    LOVE this so much!! It really inspires me to create my own list and be intentional with mg time. Thank you for sharing! I hope you continue these posts.

  14. Betty says:

    I really liked this. Got me thinking about a lot of cool things.

  15. Lauren says:

    I remember those early morning Sparta workouts…the perfect combination of love/hate. Hate the way it’s so stinking challenging and love the way it feels afterwards! I’m joining you on that goal for this month…just like the old days!

  16. Kathie Hill says:

    Hi Hannah
    Can you tell me what the Sparta workouts are? Are they part of the Spartan Race?

    Thanks 🙂

  17. Rachel says:

    I love this. It’s always fun to see how others outline their monthly/ seasonal goals and gives me new ideas for how to stay on task with what God is currently inviting me into.

  18. Camila says:

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  19. Rhonda says:

    Thank you! Now I will try to find November’s post. I’m great at dreams and plans, but lack implementation skills! This looks helpful! BTW I’m new here.

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I love writing about all things faith, mental health, discipline + and motherhood. Let's be penpals!

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