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You’re going to take so many paths.



I'm a writer, author, and online educator who loves helping others build intentional lives through the power of habit and meaningful routines.







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This month marks 10 years since I quit my full-time job and became a self-employed writer and entrepreneur. That’s 3,650 days of figuring it out, taking risks, living outside my comfort zone, and pursuing dreams I never imagined could be for me.

There are days where I feel like this is all I’ve ever known and other days where I can so clearly take myself back to walking into my boss’s office to give my 6-week notice (I was trying to be extra accommodating). I had no idea of all the things I would do next.

It was my plan this month to start writing pieces about what I’ve learned over the last 10 years and publishing them here. Like the rest of this year, the month filled herself up before I even had the chance to sit down and write one piece. It’s not too late though.

Throughout the rest of the summer, my goal is to show up in this space to share honestly about the lessons I’ve learned from starting my own business, speaking full-time, writing books, and embracing the “not quite sure what’s going to show up next month” mentality that often comes with being freelance. These are more life lessons and God lessons than they are business lessons.

I’ve already told myself these posts don’t need to be perfect. They’ll be scrappy and sporadic. But I am hoping I can embrace the fun of it and just use this space as a little practice and a chance to share the wisdom I’ve gained over the last 10 years. If you have questions you want me to answer, I’d love for you to reply in the comments! You might see your question in a future piece!

So what would I tell that nervous 22-year-old girl on the day she left her office for the last time?

I’d start off by saying, “You’re going to take so many paths over the next few years. Don’t get so stuck on making all the right turns that you miss opportunities to grow, enjoy, and savor.”

The way the culture often talks about success, it’s easy to think that your path has to be straight and narrow. There’s this pressure to have it all figured out before you step into that next thing. But I’m 10 years into the business and only beginning to figure it out. If you have it all figured out then that probably means you’re comfortable and when you’re too comfortable, you stop innovating.

You’re going to take so many paths over the next few years and there’s nothing wrong with trying new things. Stay open. If something makes you curious, try it. Explore new options. You don’t have to know where every next step is going to take you. In fact, it would be nearly impossible to even try to predict that.

One year into self-employment, I started something called the Brew Sessions. The Brew Sessions were 60-minute video calls for individuals who had an idea but they were stumped on how to bring it to fruition or take it to that next level. We’d meet up and “brew” up ideas over cups of coffee.

Having no idea how to price these sessions, I started out with a “pay what it’s worth to you” rate. Some sessions were valued at $150. Other sessions were valued at $30. One person paid my seven single-dollar bills. I honestly didn’t even care what someone ended up paying- I was thrilled to be able to sit with people around the world, drink coffee, and solve problems together.

In a lot of the Brew Sessions, I realized I was meeting with many creative individuals who had no idea how to market themselves. They struggled to get the words right on their website. They left their About page blank and didn’t know how to communicate the most important part of their business: their WHY. They were endlessly passionate but they felt aimless and wanted a mission statement. I’d take furious notes and often end up drafting them an About page that I’d email them after our call together.

This is the path that would lead me into starting a copywriting business in 2014. That copywriting business would be the catalyst for joining the GoLive Team as their first copywriter in 2018. I am still on the team today— one of several companies I do contract work with on a monthly basis.

What started with a $7 strategy session morphed into crafting entire websites full of copy for clients all over the world. I didn’t know that path existed for me. I had no clue it would be a part of my story. I began meandering down pathways, following what mattered to me (writing and crafting missions) and found a space to offer up my talents.

There is no one, clear-cut path. There are a million little ways to get to where you’re going. Set yourself free from thinking you need to have step-by-step directions before you move. Just start with the next turn up ahead or the opportunity that is right in front of you. Maybe it’s not your forever passion but give it everything you’ve got. Learn as much as you can. Trust that this season is preparing you for the next one. It’s not about being on the right path— there are so many paths and so many ways to grow and gear yourself up for what’s coming next. Keep following— you won’t miss it.

I’d love to hear from you:

In moving my blog to a newer platform, I sadly had to let go of the thousands of comments and conversations that came from readers over the last 10+ years. This grieves me deeply but I know there will new conversations, fresh words of wisdom, and opportunities to create close community once again. I’d love to hear from you in the comments section. I’ll be reading + replying on a regular basis.


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  1. Sheena says:

    Hannah, firstly, this is awesome. I already gleaned loads from this intro post. Question: (did you hear Dwight’s voice?) if the goal is to, eventually, be paid for my articles is it worth it to submit articles to publications that do not pay? If so, how many? I have had a few published in wonderful publications for free but wonder if I should focus on places that will pay for articles.

  2. Melanie says:

    This gives me comfort as I think about what happens after I "retire" in 10 years. I’m currently 37. So it’s good to know I don’t need to have all the answers right now. Thanks again for continuing to I vote us to the table.

  3. Adriane Parcel says:

    Needed this reminder today. Trust the process. Be patient with myself…

  4. Ellen Swirsky says:

    I didn’t know all these facets of your life! Good for you. I look forward to reading more!

  5. Jasmyne Newman says:

    This encouragement is so timely in my life. Thank you for sharing the twists and turns of your journey with writing. It’s such a helpful reminder that we don’t have to have it all figured out when we step out into something new.

  6. Lauren says:

    So beautifully written. I am 16 months into self-employment and already making twists and turns based on what I’ve learned, what I love and what I’ve seen I’m really good at. I love the notion of staying curious, asking questions and listening for the answers. Then starting small and taking action! You’re an inspiration!

  7. Leighton Kennedy says:

    Hannah!!! I had emailed you exactly these kinda questions/feelings over being an entrepreneur. This was so encouraging and exactly what I need to hear. Please write more about this!

    One of my biggest hurdles is financial practicality: I have, the past few months I think, veered off the path of “doing this for the right reasons” and into the direction of “how can I make money.” And needless to say, I got stumped. So now I’m rerouting into focusing on where God is calling me (not the $$$) and I feel at peace, BUT I’m still in need of financial stability. How did you find the balance of doing good and being paid good? I’m so passionate about pursuing this, but I know I need to be paid worth while!

    • Kris Larson says:

      Yes, Leighton! You echoed my thoughts exactly! I’m currently working full time with aspirations to become a writer, but I can’t figure out how to make the money work so I can still support my family. And at the same time, I don’t want it to be all about the money. I want it to be focused on what God is actually asking me to do. Would love to hear more on this! Love your writing, Hannah! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Gursimran says:

    How do u make money as a Christian writer, Hb?

  9. Liz Langford-Cobo says:

    Looking forward to this series of posts! I am so encouraged today by your words.

  10. Debra says:

    Hi Hannah,
    Wonderful story. Wondering what platform you have switched to? I am looking for a good platform too!
    This all looks great. Thanks for the encouragement!

  11. Megan says:

    Love this topic! My husband started his own Landscaping business 2 years ago and I have been dabbling in and out of helping him grow the company. I’ve been torn with what path I am supposed to be on and this is everything I needed to hear. Looking forward to hearing more! Blessings ♡

  12. Angela says:

    Hey Hannah, a sister in Christ Jesus sent me this article saying it reminded her of me in our conversations. I thank God she thought of me sending this article because it has truly blessed me. I am a two-time author “Salvation Won My Goliath Battles” and wondering what I should do next. I have some ideas and have draft an agenda and I don’t know why I’m waiting and not putting action into it. Honestly it is fear of rejection. Thank you for reminding me I can just go forward without trying to be perfect. Thank you Hannah for the encouragement. You keep walking by faith and not by sight and I will do the same. Blessings to you always!! Angela. asrenewed23@gmail.com

  13. V says:

    Wonderful speaker, writer & entrepreneur and mentor.

  14. Ariana says:

    Here, at 26-years-old, reading this from behind my work desk. I’ve been dreaming of one day becoming a full-time blogger and launching my very own personal training business to teach women how to care for the body God has given to them through yummy nutrition and healthy movement. I’ve had this dream living inside of me for the last 5 years and I finally have some clarity over the direction I need to go in. Hannah, this post was a God-given reminder for me and words I desperately needed to hear in this moment. Thank you for generously sharing your gift with us and the wisdom you’ve gleaned over the last 10 years. I hope to one day be able to say that I am also 10 years into self-employment! I am so looking forward to reading the other pieces you write for this series.

Hi, I'm Hannah

I love writing about all things faith, mental health, discipline + and motherhood. Let's be penpals!

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