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Day 8 of 26 :: Sweet jubilee.



I'm a writer, author, and online educator who loves helping others build intentional lives through the power of habit and meaningful routines.







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I love movies that make you think. 

Specifically, I love the kind of movies that you can watch three or four (or even seven) times and still find something new every time you watch it. 

My husband and I love the movie “Shutter Island” because it’s that kind of movie. It’s packed with purpose and detail. You can watch it multiple times and still notice things you’d never seen before. And the best part: it all means something. The writers of the movie were so intentional that nothing was wasted. Every scene was handcrafted and every bit of dialogue was constructed to transport you to the final scene of that movie. The Bible is like that too. 

God is in the business of revealing new things constantly through His Word. During that genealogy at the beginning of Matthew, I noticed something this year that I had never seen before. 

Buckle up. I was never very good at math and so I feel for those who also didn’t like math class but this is math revelation.  

Matthew emphasizes in the genealogy that from Abraham to David there were 14 generations. From David to the exile, another 14 generations. From the exile to Jesus, another 14 generations. 

14-14-14 can be broken down further into 7-7-7-7-7-7. 

Jesus is the beginning of the 77th generation.  

What we know from the Bible is that 7 is the number that largely symbolizes rest. God went all out creating the world and then chose to rest on the 7th day. 

In the book of Leviticus, we learn that every 49 years (7 periods of 7 years) is considered to be a year of Jubilee. It was a year where all the debts would be paid and the slaves would be freed.  

When Jesus grows up and preaches to the people, he emphasizes the importance of sabbath– resting on the 7th day– because sabbath was a thing created by God for man. It is a gift. It for all of us to savor and enjoy.  

I see so much intention in Jesus beginning the 77th generation, a testimony through numbers that rest is here.  

Rest has finally come. 

Rest is arriving in human form and it is meant for all of us. 

Jesus even spells it out further as he goes around to meet people during his 3-year ministry. He looks them in the eyes– seeing through all their layers– and asks them, “Are you tired? Are you worn out? Do you need a break?” 

His invitation is simple: come to me. Spend time with me. I will supply your rest. Jesus did not supply shame. He did come to guilt us or measure us. He came to give us rest and an abundant amount of it. 

I have to remind myself of this over and over again, especially during the holiday season where it so easy to go-go-go that I never pause to recharge. 


Jesus came to recharge us. 

To give us a better, peace-driven life. 

He came to set us free from slavery to ourselves and pay all the debts.

Jesus is the jubilee. 

Do you accept the invitation? 

When he tells you that he will supply you rest but it requires that you come to him and spend time with him, do you accept? 


Let’s not miss the pockets of this season where things slow down.

Let’s embrace them. 

Let’s lean into them. 

Bask in the quiet. 

Sit for just a moment longer. 

Rest is here but it requires that we step into it.


Matthew 1:1-17, 11:28-30



Dear God, teach me to step into rest during this season when it feels too easy to hustle and conquer an endless to-do list. I am tired. I am worn out. Help me answer the invitation of Jesus and admit my need for something bigger than myself. 




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