please send me an email this week or next. i just would love to know the pretty faces that are reading me.
dear you,
It feels like I can hear the slow snickering of Fall creeping up around the walls of this little coffee shop. The steamed milk in my coffee has settled. The sun decided not to come out today. And always, when I am here in this one spot with the slow classical music getting stuck in my hair, I feel like the kind of writer they put on movie screens. A curious observer in a bright red hat, curled in the corner listening to a symphony of long drawn out orders of espresso and cappuccino. I am the quietest fly on the walls of other people’s memories. That’s how I’ve always been. I’ll sew every person in this coffee shop to the sleeves of my love stories by noontime.
But I’m thinking about you. You, the one reading this off of your iPhone. You, the one finding me sitting square in your email box on a Tuesday or a Friday. There are some days I can’t stop thinking about the places you’ve been and the people you’ve met. It’s like this blog is my form of letter writing and I sometimes find myself standing by the mailbox, waiting for you to write back. I think about what you need to hear. I think about what we both need to learn. I think about both our paths, how maybe they have never met but it still doesn’t stop me from wanting the world for you. All the stars. All the droplets of oceans.
This letter is simple. I just wanted to ask a favor of you. Something I’ve never asked before. Would you tell me who you are? Would you send me an email and tell me who you are? I sit here weekly, tapping these little keys of mine with the hope that something I write will touch you. And I hear from you sometimes. But I want to know who is out there. Who is reading me from the glow of their screen. Who is sticking my words on the walls of their cubicles. I wonder about you probably more than you’ll ever know. The things you’ve seen. The damage you’ve known. The lives you’ve touched. The things you tell no one, because you are just so afraid that the world will shut you down for ever dreaming that way.
Please write to me. Today. Tomorrow. This weekend. Next week. Just a simple email to let me know you are out there. Your name. Where you first found me. The ways you want to start over fresh tomorrow. The dreams you hold in clenched fists. And if, and if, there is anything you need me to include in my nighttime prayers. I would be honored to meet you in this way.
Tell me anything. Everything. Two sentences or ten. I promise I will read them all. I just need to know who’s out there today.
My email is or, to make life easier, you can fill out the form below and it will land right in my hands when you click send.
[contact-form to=’HANNAH.BRENCHER@GMAIL.COM’ subject=’From a reader…’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your Letter’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]