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Full plan ahead: The best planner picks for 2017



I'm a writer, author, and online educator who loves helping others build intentional lives through the power of habit and meaningful routines.







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I’m a former cheater. We should go ahead and just get that out of the way first.

I have been consistently unfaithful when it comes to picking a planner and sticking with it for 12 solid months. I know I’m not alone in this. I’m not the only one to ever pick a planner, fall madly in love with it, feel organized and like your life serves a purpose for 5 minutes, haphazardly visit Target and end up with an entirely different planner a month later. That has been the rhythm of my life for a long time and I am betting there are some people out there who do just the same.

The good thing about being unable to stick with a planner for 12 months? You date a lot of planners. You know what’s out there. Eventually, the romance of a new planner with crisp pages wears off. Sticking with a planner isn’t some whimsical “this is the one” feeling sweeping you up. You survey your options. You pick one. You write things down. You repeat. And you stop allowing yourself to look at other options. It’s basically marriage.

I’ve stuck with my planner for 8 months now. Eight months is basically 8 years in Hannah-time. There are days where I look at it and am tempted to cheat again– go find another boo with cooler margins and more white space– but I remember an important fact about life, love and planners: your choices gain power as you continue to choose them. You give your choices value by saying on repeat, “I choose you.”The magic of discipline and consistency cohabitate from that very spot.

Seriousness aside, I’ve wanted to write this post for a long time and there seems like no better time than now– when we are all on the cusp of 2017– to put it out there.

Whether you’ve picked your planner for 2017 or you are still on the hunt, there’s some serious options out there for you.

I’ve included pictures, links and descriptions of some of my favorite planners below.

A few things about my selections:

  1. I picked planners for productivity rather than just the look and feel. Ultimately, how you organize your life should determine which planner you stick with.
  2. All of the planners below are analog. I am a big believer in putting the pen to paper and I definitely need that when it comes to my plans and goals. I keep a digital calendar, yes, but I love carrying a planner with me on the go.

Cheers to 2017 and writing it all down!



I am a big fan of whatever Anthropologie is doing. I keep tabs on their website regularly and am always checking in to see what brands they’re carrying. This Big Plans Planner is simple and basic but it still has everything you could want and need. I love the clean look and how portable it is!

The cash you’ll dish out: $28



I’d never heard of this brand up until today but I can’t get over how dang cute this thing is. It’s a monthly planner so be sure you only want to keep track of the month-by-month things before you buy it. I can’t get over the shopping lists inside and all the little veggies dancing around though. After browsing their website, all their products are overall sweet and sassy.

The cash you’ll dish out: $16.95



I know a lot of folks who prefer all things Emily Ley and I don’t blame them! Emily is a friend of mine who I really admire and I have gotten the chance to see her business blow up in the last few years. This planner is definitely a solid pick for those who love organization paired with a minimal canvas. Plus, I love the pineapples!

The cash you’ll dish out: $58



I will say it and stand by it: there is no lack in Target’s planner game. I don’t know how or when it happened but Target as brought their A-game for the last few years in the “office” section of their store. These planners are perfect for people who want to spend less but still get stylish with their daily plans. I recommend for the noncommittal folks out there who will only keep a planner for two weeks before they drop it for another one. This Target planner is basically a disposable boyfriend whose feelings won’t get hurt when you drop him for something else in February.

The cash you’ll dish out: $14.99



I used this planner last year and absolutely loved it. It has such a unique look and feel. The one thing about this planner that threw me off was that it was a little big and bulky. I found it hard to travel with this planner which is why I think I gave it up. However, this is a beautiful choice for a planner that sits on your desk and travels lightly.

The cash you’ll dish out: $42



People ask me often which planner I choose to use. Here it is: Rifle Paper Co. I’ve stuck with this planner for about 8 months now which, to me, is a pretty big deal! I love the elegant feel to it and how much space there is to write notes and plan out the day.

My planner is currently sold out but the orange one (which I love equally) is in stock!

The cash you’ll dish out: $34



Another love of mine: the Passion Planner. This is ideal for the people who are driven by their passion projects and lose sleep at night over the thought of color-coding something… anything. I’ve used this planner in the past (no joke, I’ve tried them all) and I really liked it. For me, the lines were a little too small but I hear from people all the time who are obsessed with their Passion Planner. Great news… it’s on sale!

The cash you’ll dish out: $25


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I stumbled into this planner after some internet digging and I have to say: I’m hooked on the look of it. I am not going to ditch the planner I am devoted to but I am totally recommending it to you! The Volt Planner seems like the perfect fit for the people who are itching to get to 2017 because they LOVE GOALS and ALL THE GOALS. It’s a minimalist look with a pretty cool backstory! Check it out!

The cash you’ll dish out: $40


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